Web & Mobile Development

We design and develop responsive Search Engine friendly websites that help you to achieve the goals of your business.

Web App:

1. Accessibility — Web apps provide access to users on a wide range of devices, regardless of operating system, through the browser.

2. Ease of Updates — Developers make changes to a common code base, so updates are simple. And developers can push updates to a server quickly for instant visibility across all devices.

3. Better Discovery on Search Engines — Web apps are displayed in search results (think: Google), so anyone can find them.

4. Cost-Effective Development — It’s less costly to develop web apps than mobile apps due to the smaller amount of development time required. This is largely due to only needing to build one version of a web app to serve all operating systems.

5. Traffic from Website — Visitors to your website can be automatically sent to your web app on mobile devices, with no need to download anything.

6. Faster Speed to Market — Web apps don’t need to be approved by app stores and marketplaces, so it is faster to get them to market.

Mobile App:

1. Speed and Performance — Mobile apps work with a phone’s built-in features, like location services, microphone, and camera, so apps built for the mobile device usually work faster. (However, there are exceptions, depending on the specific functionality of the app.)

2. Ability to Send Push Notifications — Mobile apps allow you to send users reminders, which increases engagement.

3. Improved User Experience —Since developers create mobile apps specifically for a particular operating system, they sometimes offer a better user experience.

4. Offline Access — Many mobile apps offer offline access not dependent on WiFi once the user downloads the app. (Again, this will depend on the specific functionality of your app.)

5. Promotional Opportunities — Listing your app in the App Store or Google Play extends your reach to a broader audience